Portfolio > Beyond Two Dimensions

After the nightmare of the Covid pandemic became less intense and order was returning to society, Marcy McChesney thought about the challenges that everyone had endured in one way or another and how they adapted to a new world of uncertainty. The pandemic had interrupted the daily routines, careers, comfort levels and well-being of many, and provided an opportunity to reevaluate their priorities. Some individuals flourished and took this opportunity to utilize their creativity and determination to pivot to a different field and higher quality of life. Thanks to a City of San Antonio Department of Arts & Culture Individual Artist Grant, Marcy was able to turn this idea into a full scale project and interview several San Antonio individuals whose lives shifted dramatically during Covid, resulting in a positive change, including career, living situations, relationships, and priority shifts. She commissioned San Antonio photographer Deborah Keller-Rihn to photograph the subjects, and created collages based on their photographs along with images specific to San Antonio and their individual stories.
There was an interactive element to the exhibition, where people were invited to share their own Covid experiences. Marcy plans to continue her project, creating more collages based on others’ stories.

Bexar Tonics
Original Collage
18” x 24”
Original Collage
Roots To Reality
Original Collage
18” x 24”
Original Collage
18” x 24”